Modern day wonders and miracles


A young boy's hearing was recently healed by scientist according to yahoo news. In Mark 7:31-37 Jesus heals a deaf man. What does this mean in regards to miracles then? In Exodus 7:8-13 pharaoh had magicians who were able to perform miracles similar to Moses and Aaron. Even Jesus states in Matthew 24:24 that false messiahs and prophets will perform great signs and wonders to deceive. Now before I get started I will clarify that I am not implying that scientist healing people of sicknesses is designed to intentionally deceive but rather could tend to mislead. I will explain my rationale

The definition of false according to google is
  1. Not according with truth or fact; incorrect.
  2. Not according with rules or law.
So the term false is perceived in two frames by all of us. There is definition 1, empirical evidence like Moses observing pharaohs men turning staffs into snakes and then there's definition 2, the law, whats ok and not ok to do with that power. Pharaoh was using this power of miracles to enslave, while Moses was trying to set his people free. Both were able to perform a miracle in plain sight but which man was not acting according to the law? As believers we would agree that pharaoh was false, not according to God's law.

In John 20:29  Jesus states "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." It doesn't take a second look to tell that Jesus was a good shepherd and pharaoh was a bad shepherd. Enslaving people against their will and being stubborn to the obvious facts. It doesn't matter what miracles are being performed before your eyes but whether those powers will be in the hands of those who will lead you out of enslavement or into enslavement. It's why a perfect sinless Christ as king over all the earth is so necessary, who gave us the truth in John 8:32. In a technological world, full of great wonders everyday God's Word is still the greatest of all wonders.