A couple days ago I saw the episode “Hamletta” from the Goodwin Games and today I saw a video titled It’s Not About The Nail. Both of them seem to comically tackle an interesting Idea, the truth. An Aspiring actress and a stubborn girlfriend, both have the same problem. It’s false perception. “Perception is reality,” we might say, but that’s not true at all. We often forget why we make statements like that. The Fact that perception is not reality is the very reason why we say that it is. We use phrases like these is a warning and tactic. You can either make your motives clear to reveal the truth or make it appear as you wish so as to hide the truth.
Consider these characters, the aspiring actress who can’t act and the stubborn girlfriend championing her model communication skills. How did they get there?
It was a good intentioned, relativizing brother and an ill intentioned, reprobate, pedophiliac schoolteacher who deceived the aspiring actress and it was probably self-help media and feminist gender prejudice that deceived the unstable girlfriend. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong about where it came from for the girlfriend but the fact remains that it’s there right in between her eyes (literally).
What does it matter if “it’s all relative” and “ignorance is bliss ” and all that matters is the “to thine own self be true” proclamation? Nothing would be wrong if they were true statements. The problem is that they aren’t true. You wouldn’t say, “ignorance is bliss” to someone who likely has HIV or “its all relative” to a cereal killer or “to thine own self be true” to a child who lacks self-discipline, and I think that last one is taken out of context. To be honest with one’s self does not mean to give in to one’s desires. Just maybe, the first step to solving a problem is admitting we have one.
So what is our problem? If we concede that relativity is false, and that there is such a thing as good and evil and desirable and undesirable, than we can also acknowledge that we may have been deceived about what those are (Romans 1:25). Than the logical conclusion is truth exists free from our perception, and if free, than absolute (John 14:6). This absolute is God (John 1:1-5). Subject to nothing and no one but himself he has exalted his word above all else. (Psalm 138:2, John 5:19, Philippians 2:9). This is why the truth does set free when we submit ourselves to the study and doing of his word, because God alone is free. (John 8:31-36, Romans 8:17)
Article by Christopher Garcia contact